
The Christian life is a personal journey that we can’t do alone. We desperately need the input and help of others in the body of Christ. These are screened resources that could be of great value to you as you journey through life.

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual directors are persons who listen to God with you and help you discern what God is saying to you.


Counselors have an ability to help us understand our issues and make a plan to live with our past and present as we move into the future.

CIFT (Center for Individual and Family Therapy)

Turning Point Counseling

Why Be A Part Of A Church?

Here are good reasons to be a part of a local church.

Institute of Spiritual Formation

Reading and listening to good information helps form our perspective in to a Christian world view.

Dallas Willard Ministries

More good reading is even better.

Pastor Chuck Swindoll

Pastor Chuck has many excellent print resources. We highly recommend, 'So, You Want To Be Like Christ? Eight Essentials To Get You There'